If there is one thing about Summer time, it is about grilling and corn on the cob. You know how it works. In the early stages of the corn season it goes 4 ears for $2.00 then progress to 10 ears for $1.00. Well, it is that time of year. Festivals have corn roasts and the smell and taste is something of the amazing. While living in Dallas, Texas, there would be corn stands, typically outside of a supermercado, that would sell an ear for $1.00. The beauty about spending that dollar on one ear was the fact that they dipped in warm butter and topped it with your liking (I always got Parmesan cheese). Other condiments included chili, and mayonnaise.
In the past, I typically removed the husk from the corn, and boiled in water for 20 minutes or so. I always thought this was great, until last week when I approached a new method of cooking corn, on the grill.
There isn’t much of a trick here (well, I guess you could burn the corn), however there is one important step that you should never forget. If you want corn that is intense in flavor, tender, and absolutely delicious, then try this one out.
Ingredients: (could not be easier)
Ears of Corn
Clip the loose ends of the corn husks off as they will burn pretty easily on the grill. Submerge the ears of corn in a deep pan of water for 30-60 minutes. Heat the grill to medium. Once the grill is ready in temperature, place the ears of corn on the grill (husks in tact), and begin cooking. Cook for nearly 30 minutes, rotating each ear, every 5 minutes. You know the corn is ready when the husks begin to turn a very dark brown. Remove them from the grill and let cool.
The best thing here is simply pulling down the husks and using that as your handle. Lather in butter, salt, pepper, etc. This last batch I made a butter with lime zest and course salt. It rocked in flavor. Try different combinations in your butter using chipolte peppers, Parmesan cheese, or any other flavors you are looking for in a good piece of corn.