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Chicken Salad Sandwich

My wife loves a chicken salad sandwich. It might be one of her top five favorite sandwiches. Personally, I think they are just ok, and as I have attempted to try chicken salad sandwiches at a few restaurants in my life, I found that what I did not like about them was their texture, or containing way too much mayonnaise. For the past couple of years I have attempted to make my version of a chicken salad sandwich, and one that I have truly come to love. What makes mine so good is the not only the texture, but the ingredients that go into it. Lets find out why.


Basically, once you have grilled your chicken breasts (I did this the night before during a family get together), chopped to the texture that you desire; I prefer mine a bit on the chunky side. Prepare all of your vegetables and combine all of the ingredients into a large bowl. Add your mayonnaise, to build a light maynonnaise consistency. Now, get whatever bread you love, and build your sandwich, laying a couple of scoops of the salad on your bread. Serve with cheese if you prefer. The flavors of the onion, mint, and bell pepper really bring this sandwich to life. How do you make your chicken salad?

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