Green Beans with Garlic and Lemon
You either love them or hate them. Green Beans. Growing up, green beans were often served with a handful of dishes, from meat loaf, to fish (Mom, correct me), and they were most of the time, served out of the can. I have to say, that I am not a big fan of the ever so discolored green bean out of the can. Sure I will eat them, but if I have the option over a crunchy bean to a canned bean, I go quickly go for a fresh green bean.
I will also admit that I do not cook with canned green beans. I don’t care if they are being thrown in a casserole, or served another way, I simply will choose a fresh bean and cook them to the desired tenderness, most often cooked in boiling water for a few minutes, then dunked in an salted ice bath, and served.
This week I had a hankering for some beans. I quickly took note of items laying around, and came up with a nice lemon and garlic crispy bean.
- Fresh green beans, cleaned and trimmed
- 2 cloves of garlic, minced
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- salt
- pepper
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- lemon wedge for garnish
Begin by warming your oil. Do not bring it to a high heat as you want to warm the garlic and create a nice garlic flavored oil, while not burning or browning the oil. After a few minutes, add the beans, and toss a couple of times. This allows you to practice on the skillet toss if you are not an expert, at the same time moving th garlic and oli around to coat the beans.
You are only going to cook these for a few minutes, because you want them with a bit of a crunch, but not raw. Before removing, squeeze the lemon juice, toss again, season with salt and pepper, and plate. Serve with a lemon wedge. Quick, easy, healthy, and really fresh and delicious.
If you are cooking beans, what is your process? Fresh, or canned? I would be interested to know. Feel free to leave me comment.