Roasted Whole Edamame
We recently got back from vacationing in California, visiting my sister-in-law and nieces. It was nice, to say the least, and as we did some hiking, beach time, etc, we decided to have the kids hang out the last night, while we went out for sushi. Finally, yes, finally that time has come where the kids can hang out and fend for themselves. My sister-in-law ordered an array of sushi, and it was pretty darn awesome, and one of the things we ordered was edamame.
I love edamame, and as I have eaten in the past with just the bean, the really great thing is to roast them whole, in the pod, and get in there with your fingers and pop them into your mouth, only to suck the beans out. Sexy to say the least.
Let’s get started.
- 2 cups of frozen whole edamame
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tbsp course salt
That’s it. So simple, but yet so flipping delicious.
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
To a mixing bowl, add the edamame, olive oil, and salt. Give a good toss, then add to a sheet tray.
Add the sheet tray to the preheated oven, and cook for about 20 minute. The whole edamame should be nicely roasted.
Pour into a serving bowl, and let cool for a few minutes before digging in.
Eat these by picking one up, and sliding the beans out with your mouth. Something about these are so addicting. Maybe it’s that hit of salt, or the subtle texture of the bean itself.
If you are looking for a nutritious snack, give these at try. Hope you enjoy!