Eggs Benedict Recipe
Bacon,  Breakfast,  Delicious,  Holiday,  Nueske's,  Sauce

Eggs Benedict

There are a few times out of the year where our family goes out to brunch. Not that I am picky about brunches, but when I know they are serving eggs benedict, I get a bit excited. I have always loved English muffins, probably due to the McDonald’s days where I would get the egg mcmuffin. Something about the texture, and flavor that really sets it off. Plus, you put an egg, and cheese on that, along with some bacon, and it takes the English muffin to another level.

If you know me by now, you know that I cannot stand to wait around, especially for another brunch, and especially for eggs benedict. Now don’t get me wrong here, but most eggs benedicts served at brunch, are just mediocre. There is a lot to be said about fresh eggs benedict, and good Canadian bacon to boot.

Today was one of those days where I woke up realizing that I would not be going to any kind of brunch. I was grateful that my kids let me sleep in past seven o’clock, and roll out of bed easy. Let’s just say it was a laid back morning, and one that called for a late breakfast; one that called for eggs benedict.

The beautiful thing about making eggs benedict, is that you are dealing with a couple of somewhat tricky techniques. One is making the hollandaise sauce, and the other is poaching an egg. If you have never done these before, don’t be scared, be excited, as these techniques are great ones to have up your sleeve, especially if you have company sleeping over.

This recipe serves two, however you can probably get a couple more out of it, depending on how you sauce it up.


  • Toasted English Muffins, halved
  • 4 large eggs (2 of which are only the egg yolks)
  • 1/2 stick of unsalted butter, plus 1/2 tbsp
  • good Canadian bacon (2-4 pieces)
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar
  • salt
  • pepper
  • green onions, diced for garnish

Begin by getting three pots and one skillet on the stove top. A larger pot filled with about three inches of water, brought up to a simmer. The other pot for slowly melting the butter, another pot to simmer about 2 inches of water, and the skillet for warming the Canadian bacon.  Yes, the stove top is loaded, and it should make you feel like a breakfast super star right about now.

Take your slices of English muffins, and pop them in the toaster. Melt the butter in one of the pots, and once melted, set aside to let it rest and to allow the fat to come to the top.

Add the bacon to the skillet and cook on medium-low heat until you are ready to plate.

Add the vinegar to the larger pot filled with the few inches of water. Stir to make a nice whirlpool effect. Crack an egg into the whirlpool, and make sure it does not stick to the bottom, moving a spoon counter clockwise to keep the egg moving in the simmering water. Cook for about 5 minutes or until your desired tenderness.

In a large bowl that you can place on top of a heated pot, add the 2 egg yolks, and about 1 tbsp of water. Whisk to break up the yolks and incorporate the water.

Take a spoon and remove the frothy fat from the top of the butter. You should be left with a golden, clear, butter.

Lets make the hollandaise sauce. To your third pot of simmering water, add the bowl to the top and continue to whisk the egg yolks. They will be frothy. Keep an eye on the temperature as you only want a simmer. You do not want scrambled eggs, just a nice sauce.  Continue to whisk for a couple of minutes. Add in the butter, salt, and pepper and continue to whisk. Before your eyes, you should see the sauce about to thicken, and become a nice velvet texture. You have just make your very own hollandaise sauce.

With a slotted spoon, remove the egg, and place onto a kitchen towel to let any excess water drain.

To plate, take a toasted English muffin and place on your plate. Top with a slice of Canadian bacon, place the egg on top, and spoon the hollandaise sauce on the top. Sprinkle green onions on top and dig in.

This literally only takes minutes to make, and the result is a phenomenal brunch dish right in your very own kitchen. Enjoy.



  • Anita

    I am a Canadian and have been on this earth for over 50 years. What exactly is Canadian bacon? We have bacon in slices, peameal bacon as well as back bacon…
    I’d really love to know.

    • Dax Phillips

      Hi Anita, I know the meaning can be a bit confusing, however as I know it, Canadian bacon is basically cured pork, almost like a ham, but unlike bacon as it has less fat. I think folks in the states refer to it as back bacon as well. Regardless, it’s great stuff.

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