Pickled Eggs
There was a time a year in my parent’s house, typically around the holiday season, where there was this level of excitement. The excitement was around making a family favorite dish that I never really understood. Purple eggs as I knew them. Hard boiled eggs that were marinated in beet juice, stored in the refrigerator for several days, then attacked by the adults. Granted, I tried them as a kid and never found the excitement, but it was entertaining watching the adults. It was almost like watching a kid in a candy store. This year, I brought the tradition to my family. Hard boiled eggs marinated and pickled in beet juice for a few days, yields the purple eggs.
- 6 whole hard boiled eggs, shells removed after cooking
- 2 cans of beets, juice reserved
- 1/4 cup of cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
Begin by adding the reserved beet juice to a medium pot. Add in the sugar and vinegar, and bring to a rolling boil. Reduce the heat, and simmer for about 15 minutes. Remove from the burner, and let the solution cool.
Place the cooked and cooled eggs in a large container that you can seal. Pour over the cooled solution. Cover and place in the refrigerator for about 3 days. Feel free to give it a good stir every day. On the third, or fourth day, remove the eggs with a slotted spoon. I cut mine in half for a better presentation, but if you cannot resist the sweet, pickled eggs, then get right to them and take a nice bite. I am curious, what were some of your parents traditions while growing up around the holidays?

Cassie H.
There’s a local bar that sells pickled eggs. I love them. I eat 2 every time I go their.
i have a recipe for these that have been bookmarked for so long, i love that i found them again here. a tradition we always had was fresh eggnog and nutmeg.